Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to accomplish this list:
Monthly Project Wingspan webinars: recorded presentations from a variety of organizations that we reissue via zoom and then discuss
Libertyville High School Pollinator Garden and Butler Lake Shoreline Restoration: collaborated with Ap Environmental Sciences teacher and a student mentee to help with this project
UL: education presentation Jan. 24 – Why Plant Native Gardens and Feb. 22 – Let’s Get Started
Feb. 4 U of I Extension Seed Swap tabling
Ellen’s Backyard Birding presentation Feb. 15
April 10 Garden Club Presentation Why Plant Native Gardens
Apr. 15 CLC Green Fair tabling
Apr. 30 Earth Day Clean Up in collaboration with Northbrook Village and Park District – clean up and invasive species removal
May 12 Fremont Community Garden Service Day
May 24 Planting Pollinator Garden at UL
June 5 Maintenance at Floral Park
June 22 Let’s Get Started (pollinator garden) Presentation at Saddlebrook Farms
June 23 Wholesale plant sale for our members
June 28 Somme Grove Prairie Tour
Aug. 3 Work Day at labrynth
Aug. 15 Tour of prairie at Morton Arboretum
Sept. 8 Tour of Wild Mile
Sept. 13 Table at UL Employee Appreciation Carnival
Sept. 19 Morton Arboretum tree planting at UL
Sept. 20 Table at Northbrook Farmers Market
Oct. 21 Table at Gloria Dei Church Seed Swap
Nov. 11 Table at Wild Ones conference
Dec. 8 Holiday Luncheon